Legal aspects of business practice questions for nta net commerce exam

ugc net commerce questions

Legal aspects of business practice questions for nta net commerce

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Legal aspects -1

Which of the following is not a negotiable instrument
(A) Bill of exchange and cheque
(B) Postal Order & Currency note
(C) Promissory note and cheque
(D) Promissory note & Bill of exchange

Who can endorse the negotiable instrument?
(A)Maker of the Instrument

(B) older of the instrument
(C) Drawee

(D) Both of A and B

A cheque shall be deemed to be crossed
(A) On addition of the name of the banker
(B) drawing two lines parallel
(C) any of (A) or (B)
(D) none of (A) or (B)

Bearer cheques are also known as ______
(A) Crossed

(B) General

(C) Special

(D) Open

Dishonor of Negotiable Instrument by Non
Payment is covered under section in Negotiabl instrument Act 1882…
a)section 90
b)section 91
c)section 92
d)section 93

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