ict important previous questions ugc nta net paper 1

paper 1 ugc net computer questions
ict important previous questions

ict important previous year questions nta net paper 1

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Select the option that contains exclusively the text file formats
[6th Dec. 2019-IInd Shift]
(a) JPEG, MP3, RTF
(c) GIF, JPEG, MP3
(d) CSV, MP3, PDF

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Select the option that contains exclusively the text file formats
[6th Dec. 2019-IInd Shift]
(a) JPEG, MP3, RTF
(c) GIF, JPEG, MP3
(d) CSV, MP3, PDF

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Select the option that contains only computer input devices
[5th Dec. 2019-IInd Shift]
(a) Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Printer
(b) Mouse, Monitor, Joystick, Keyboard
(c) Joystick, Keyboard, Digitiser, Monitor
(d) Joystick, Keyboard, Mouse, Digitiser

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Select the option that contains only optical storage media
[5th Dec. 2019-Ist Shift]
(a) USB memory stick, Blu - Ray disk, CD - ROM, DVD
(b) DVD, CD - ROM, USB memory stick, CD - RW
(c) Hard disk, USB memory stick, CD - ROM, DVD
(d) DVD, CD - R, Blu - Ray Disk, CD - RW

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Which of the following is a search Engine? [25th June 2019-Ist Shift]
(a) Flash
(b) Fire fox
(c) internet explorer
(d) Google

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